- Web application security testing services: black box, grey box approach
- Identifying potential vulnerabilities
- Automated and manual analysis of web application
- Test for OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities
- Specific business logic testing based on sector
- Reporting - findings, recommendations
1. Application Security
By detecting Vulnerabilities and reporting them to you, Web Application Security Testing Services assist enterprises in securing Web apps.
DeTaSECURE Application Security Program for web and mobile applications is to emulate external and internal directed attacks on the application and identify any weaknesses which may lead to unauthorized access and data breaches. With the help of DeTaSECURE DAST & SAST program run on iOS, Windows and Android platform, you can scale static analysis rapidly and affordably to systematically identify and fix security flaws in source code.
- Security Assessment of the mobile application on iOS, Windows and Android platform to weaknesses which may lead to unauthorized access to business critical information and data.
- Undertake an application walkthrough to understand the functionality of the application
- Identify the threats hampering the security of a mobile application on the Android, Windows and iOS platform
- Verify the security of the mobile applications from the following security perspectives:
- Data protection and privacy
- Session management
- Reverse engineering
- Network connection
- Application logging
- Identify various platform-specific issues faced by the application
- External review of supporting infrastructure
- Focus on network connections and data handling
- Assesses risk of device specific attacks
A crucial component of application security testing is static analysis. But what if your team is short on the tools or expertise necessary to complete the task across your whole portfolio? DeTaSECURE Source Code Review (SCR) Program is a systematic & Security examination of the Source Code of Application and Software. It looks for Security Loop Holes, Bugs that may have been planted and overlooked during Application and software development.
Any application that wants to extract and share data in an accessible fashion must have an API layer. Any systems and data connecting to a poorly secured API can be exposed to a significant attack surface, and API abuse commonly leads to significant data breaches for businesses. Finding API-specific vulnerabilities cannot be done using functional testing or web application scans alone. Continuous security checks against important data access controls, such as Role-based Access Control (RBAC) and Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC), are required to minimise test cycles and assure quick release, automation must be plugged into CI/CD workflows.