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7. DeTaSECURE Trainings & Awareness Program

Data Leak Detection & Cyber Threat Hunting

The creation of trained & skilled cybersecurity experts for organization to solve real-life threats.

Have a look into our “Professional” trainings increase for esteemed eliminating corporates

Security leadership and management

How to enhance security leadership capabilities and build a security practice inside the organization. How to implement a zero-trust security model.

Vulnerability Analysis and Penetration Testing (Network/Web/Mobile)

How to do intensive security assessment and testing of products and networks.

Tactical OSINT For Pentesters

Open Source Intelligence training targeted towards Pentesters, Red Teamers, and other Offensive Security Professionals.

OSINT for Blue Teams

Open Source Intelligence training targeted towards defensive security teams such as Threat Hunters, SoC Analysts, Threat Research, etc.

AI/ML and analytics for cybersecurity professionals

How to apply the knowledge of AI/ML in security various use cases.

Secure coding practices

How to write secure code in various platforms like JAVA, NodeJS, C++, etc

Security Architecture Design and Threat Modelling

How to design a strong secured architecture, identify possible threats through Threat Modelling, and mitigate them using appropriate controls.

Vishing Awareness Simulation and Training

Vishing assaults have increased globally over the previous few years.

Similar to email phishing, vishing or phone scam is a form of social engineering attack. The purpose of the attack is to steal financial and personal information. Threat actors frequently use phone calls as a means of tricking victims into opening or downloading harmful attachments or links

Phishing Awareness Training and Simulation

Vishing assaults have increased globally over the previous few years.

Your staff members must be able to recognize and thwart phishing attempts that could jeopardise the confidentiality of both your customers and your company's data. The goal of DeTaSECURE's phishing awareness training and simulation is to educate your staff on the current phishing attacks and how they operate.

Ransomware Awareness Training and Simulation

Today, one of the main targets of rising ransomware attacks are organizations all around the world. Additionally, cybercriminals don't give a damn about the people and organizations they are attacking as long as their objectives are met. As a result, it is crucial that we continue to remain vigilant and stay one step ahead of online criminals. The key is to regularly provide personnel with Ransomware Awareness Training and Simulation. So, how to prevent ransomware attacks and create a cyber-secure environment? By monitoring their progress and offering extra training as necessary, it provides them with the knowledge and abilities they need. This is done through a real-time ransomware simulation campaign and awareness training.

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